Are you doing something to spook your date?

October 30, 2019 0 By Angela

Well, you seem to be meeting people but you can’t get past the first date. Are you doing something to scare them away? Are you having the same result date after date? I know it’s hard to believe that it could be something that you are doing and it feels better to place the blame on the other person rather than yourself, but can it honestly be everyone else? A professional matchmaker can help you recognize patterns by reviewing the feedback that is received about your meetings and coach you to help get you to a second date. You obviously need to be open to the idea that there are some things that you may need to work on and even though denial may feel better at the time, it won’t help you achieve your goal in having a successful relationship. Here are a few things that can make someone run faster than Jason Vorhees with a chainsaw.

  1. Talking about commitment too soon. Do not start talking about life-changing events including someone you have just met or act like you are already a couple. 
  2. Being clingy. Do not act like you can’t breathe without them. You don’t need to hear from them every minute of the day. Give them a moment to think about you and initiate contact.
  3. Over communicating. You do not need to give them a play by play of your day and furthermore, do not expect them to do it either.
  4. Being negative. Do not dwell on the past or be negative. Nothing is a bigger turn-off than someone complaining.
  5. Acting entitled. Do not automatically assume that all of their free time will involve you.
  6. Being rude. Do not be rude to other people, waitstaff, the person seating you, anyone that you come into contact with while you are out.
  7. Assuming. Stop assuming that you are on the same page. Just because you are feeling a certain way, it doesn’t mean that they are.
  8. Ask questions. Make sure that you ask them questions about themselves and you are actually interested in their answer. Do not monopolize the conversation. As interesting as you feel you are, people want to know that you want to get to know them too.

If you seem to be having the same results, perhaps a relationship coach is ideal for you. Call us today to set up a time to come in and visit with our specialist and leave the spooking for Halloween!